3 Tenets of Marketing That Every Fintech Needs

Last Updated on July 12, 2022 by admin

Marketing is a broad concept and the potential campaigns are endless – but fintech marketing principles are more finite. Rather than throwing every marketing tactic at the book to see what sticks, fintechs are best served to follow a tried and true recipe for success – with their own unique spin, of course. 

Customer- and client-centricity is integral to not only fintech products but fintech marketing. Any marketing strategy or tactic executed with this in mind is likely to succeed. But more specifically, three fintech marketing principles are key to marketing success: 

  1. Usefulness – Marketing should cater to your customers’ needs, wants, and values
  2. Personalization – Ensure that marketing materials are personalized to audience personas in a way that jibes with the ebb and flow of the buyer’s journey
  3. Authenticity – Keep it real, pure and simple. 

While these three fintech marketing principles can be applied to any marketing campaign, they are mission-critical for the fintech industry. As new technologies and service providers emerge daily, trust and credibility are foundational for success. Useful, personalized, and authentic marketing campaigns ensure that fintechs can be seen and heard, but also trusted and respected. 


Usefulness should be a top fintech marketing principle in practice. What does that mean? It refers to a focus on creating positive, value-adding content experiences for customers and prospective customers. It’s the foundation of relationship building. 

When creating content marketing campaigns, ask yourself what the audience wants. This customer-centric perspective enables you to create content that will serve your audience’s needs and draw them closer to your brand. 

Your main goal should be to answer your audience’s most important questions and guide them on the path to solving their biggest problems. In addition to adding value, content should be educational, entertaining, and compelling. Go the extra mile to provide these things for your audience and you can establish yourself not only as an authoritative voice in a crowded market – but a helpful one at that. 


While usefulness in marketing is key, we also recognize that the point of marketing is to acquire more customers. One of the best ways to progress in that direction is to personalize your content. Personalization is possible in several different ways. 

Start by creating content for each stage in the customer journey. This, along with proper audience segmentation, ensures that you’re sending the right message to the right person at the right time. A person just starting their research may not be that interested in the features of your product or service – but they may be drawn to content that presents the problem they are facing and discusses various solutions. 

Alternatively, someone who has done a healthy bit of research might be looking for to-the-point content (like a comparison guide) that allows them to compare and contrast the nuts and bolts of different solutions. 

Personalization, like usefulness, requires a customer-centric mindset. It also requires a fairly advanced tech stack that enables you to garner insights about your audience and segment that audience into relevant buckets. This streamlines your ability to create customized content for each of those buckets for each stage in the customer journey. 


Authenticity is the third fintech marketing principle. The days of intrusive advertising are (mostly) long gone. No one wants to be the recipient of a generic email blast or other promotional mass blasts. Instead, people crave authenticity and honesty in messaging. With all the noise in a crowded marketplace, true authenticity can ring louder than competing messages. 

In B2B fintech, emotional marketing is often overlooked – much to the marketers’ detriment. B2B  buyers, just like their consumer counterparts, are driven by emotion. This is an important consideration when creating content for a B2B fintech audience. It’s also necessary to foster a connection with your audience. 

Inject your content with emotion and authenticity for the best results. Allow them a “behind the scenes” look at your brand and your brand’s values. The content that resonates most will be content that makes your audience feel seen and heard. 

Fintech Marketing Principles Leads to Cascading Success

As we mentioned earlier, these three fintech marketing principles are tightly coupled with customer-centricity. By keeping your customers at the forefront of everything you do, you make their lives easier, which builds trust and makes you a reliable resource. 

Being useful is the hook that draws people into your brand as a salve to their most pressing problems and toughest questions. Personalization is paramount to keeping the conversation going. It signals to your audience that you’re paying attention to them and responding directly to the information they are providing. 

Authenticity illustrates that you can be both useful and attentive without sacrificing your brand’s core values. It makes you uniquely adept at solving their problems. Together, all three fintech marketing principles garner trust, foster connection, and help you differentiate from the rest of the pack. 

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