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Last Updated on August 2, 2023 by Nikhil
The end goal of most B2B fintech content marketing efforts is to generate leads. Content can drive awareness and increase engagement, leading people further down the marketing funnel and, hopefully, converting them to a customer.
While customer retention and loyalty may not be the obvious goal of a content marketing strategy, there are good reasons why it should be one of your objectives. Not only should customer satisfaction be a priority for content, but B2B fintechs should acknowledge that it can actually turn loyal customers into evangelists.
Loyalty is a Big Ask
Brand loyalty isn’t what it used to be. Gallup research shows that only about half of B2B customers have confidence in their “vendors’ ability to deliver on their promise or are proud to be that company’s customer.“
Customer-centricity and engagement are big components of building and maintaining fintech loyalty. Customers must be engaged throughout the purchase process and positive interactions can lead to customers perceiving your brand as more valuable. In turn, those customers provide you with better customer insights, which can inform future marketing decisions and sales processes.
Even your most loyal customers are at risk of leaving if something that promises more value pops up. The massive shift to digital channels has only accelerated this trend, and customer expectations around personalization and customization have become increasingly sophisticated. If you’re not delivering on digital channels – and delivering in a way that resonates on a 1-to-1 level with your audience – you’re at risk to lose loyal customers.
Tips for Boosting Fintech Loyalty with Content
Content can go a long way in preventing those losses, but it usually requires some tweaking to the content marketing strategy. The goal is to put yourself in your customers’ shoes to understand what it is they want and value most – and then to deliver.
Be Visible
Staying top of mind is more important than ever. Before you start lining up newsletters to send out, consider that your presence in your customers’ inboxes may not be enough. Instead, focus on how you can help your customers, not just upsell them.
One way to do this is by curating and building content exclusively for current customers. This might include “How To” articles or personalized onboarding videos and demos. Creating virtual events where customers can connect and learn about new updates allows customers to provide feedback and share experiences with other customers. Even a simple blog series that offers unique ways to use your product or service can be extremely helpful for customers – and make them feel seen.
Listen and Offer Support
Once you’ve won a new customer, you’ve only just begun. Your product or service has probably started to solve a major pain point for your customer, but they’re going to need help and guidance along the way. It’s critical to monitor customer service and support channels to see where things might be falling short. Scanning those channels and logs can also inform your content strategy by alerting you to common issues or questions that arise. These can be converted into blog posts, FAQs, tutorials, and more.
Be on the lookout for positive signals, too. Good feedback is great to share with other customers. Whether it’s a product review or video testimonial, positive feedback can extend the value of your customer’s purchase and may even give them some new ideas about how to use your product or service.
Ideally, you can combine all of the above into a well-packaged newsletter that goes out to customers each month. It might include exclusive guides, tip articles, demo videos, testimonials, and other relevant curated content.
Add VIP Value
Everyone loves VIP treatment, so why not provide that for your customers through your content? Personalized content that highlights and praises customers – as well as provides additional value – can boost fintech loyalty by leaps and bounds.
One-to-one recognition is a great way to highlight customers, whether by tagging them in your social media posts or calling them out in a newsletter. Building an exclusive community for customers can also empower your best customers to not only stay connected to you, but also to build new relationships with their peers who also use your product or service. These connections can make customers feel more invested in your brand and increase the level of value they feel you provide.
Foster Human Connection
B2B content gets a bad wrap as being transactional. A prospect provides their contact information and then they can download an ebook. They register for a webinar and receive follow-up emails about what you can offer. While those tactics (when finely tuned) can work, today’s customers demand more from brands.
Adding storytelling to the mix can remind your customers that there are people behind your brand, products, and services. Eliciting human emotion can foster connecting by reminding people that we all share many of the same human experiences – and it can peel the curtain back on your brand’s values and what you stand for. These are the deeper connections that foster true brand loyalty.
Looking for more specific information on how to boost fintech loyalty with content? Download our free ebook: The Fintech Customer Acquisition Playbook or contact us for a free consultation.