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Fintech demand gen content serves many purposes. Not only can it be used for both lead generation and inbound marketing, but it also provides value to target customers that are invested in doing their own research.
Fintech demand gen content can drive awareness among audiences that may not know about you or who aren’t quite convinced they have a problem your product or service can solve. As the name suggests, it creates demand by gradually introducing people to your brand, your products and services, your benefits, and the differentiators that make you an appealing option.
Fintech Demand Gen for 2022
Demand gen content is not new, but the tactics and strategies to be successful in 2022 are. We’ll look at some of the ways your fintech demand gen content needs to morph and adapt to stay relevant this year.
Personalize Content
Relevance is table stakes for fintech demand gen content, but it doesn’t stop there. You are competing with a noisy content ecosystem – including the media, the latest viral TikTok clip, and your competitors – so your content must rise to the challenge.
One of the most effective ways to stand out to your target audience is to personalize your content to make it meaningful. Nearly all (99%) of marketers say that personalization helps advance customer relationships, and the vast majority (90%) of U.S. consumers find personalized marketing content somewhat to very appealing.
Consider the following ways to personalize:
- Tap into ABM technology to dynamically personalize landing page headers, images, videos, and more.
- Run segmented and personalized ad campaigns that drive traffic to fintech demand gen content
- Leverage existing customer data and insights to personalize campaigns by segment or account
- Revisit your audience personas to ensure content is relevant and adds value
Go Interactive
While traditional fintech demand gen content like white papers, reports, and ebooks are still effective, you may see increased engagement by offering interactive tools. The pandemic has driven a lot of fintechs to go digital-only with content in the previous two years. As in-person conferences were canceled, many companies opted for a digital-first approach to content that includes interactive tools.
In many ways, interactive content can also satisfy your audience’s need for personalization. Interactive white papers that adapt the content displayed to each user’s unique needs and input can dramatically improve engagement and move people through the marketing funnel faster.
Offering a free tool is another great way to add value and inform your audience while also collecting vital information about who they are and what they need. This is an especially effective tool for fintech demand gen content, which lends itself to calculators and other data-entry type tools.
Consider the following:
- Interactive ebooks or white papers – these enable people to engage while consuming information; it can provide insights into which sections (or widgets) resonate most with people and any data they enter can be used for evaluating and ranking leads. Check out this example.
- Assessment tools – these are mutually beneficial because they provide helpful feedback to users while also supplying you with valuable information about prospects that can be used in follow-up emails
- Interactive infographics – these make excellent bite-sized content pieces that cater to people less inclined to download and read a lengthier piece of content
Offer Self-Service Content
Most B2B buyers are doing more and more of their research without talking to sales reps. The CEO of Marketing Interactions suggests that half or more B2B buyers prefer a self-driven experience. This means that fintech marketers must transform marketing campaigns into buyer-centric experiences.
Putting buyers in the driver’s seat of content consumption means creating context-based content that presents choices and facilitates meaningful conversations. Remember that fintech buyers have goals and desired outcomes. Content should guide them closer to achieving those goals and solving problems. Interacting with your audience allows you to collect the necessary information to help you best meet those needs.
Another thing to remember is that buyers like choice. While a lot of fintech demand gen content may present general problems and solutions, much of it wraps by pointing the audience directly toward the seller’s product or service. Interacting with your audience and leveraging the information they provide can help you provide a more personalized path that offers more choices. This helps buyers to feel heard and understood – and makes them more apt to trust you as a source of information and as a potential solution.
Conversation is critical as a part of fintech demand gen. The exchange of information should be a two-way street, which means your content must be compelling enough for prospective buyers to feel comfortable providing information on their end. Simple form fills don’t foster conversation, but data collected from interactive content can. Keep content contextual and relevant – then follow through on your end of the conversation.
Looking for more specific information on how to improve fintech demand gen content? Download our free ebook: The Fintech Customer Acquisition Playbook or contact us for a free consultation.