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Last Updated on August 3, 2023 by admin
So you think your fintech content marketing in 2023 will be flawless? Before you go patting yourself on the back, take a step back and determine whether or not the reality of your content marketing strategy has you beating the competition or if you’ve missed the boat entirely.
If you’re worried you might not be hitting the mark with your current content marketing efforts, here are some tips to give you a leg up on what you need to know about fintech content marketing in 2023. Let’s get real.
You need to know your target audience’s primary pain points
We’ve talked about knowing your audience as being crucial to your ability to earn loyal customers and partners. And perhaps the most crucial piece of info to know about your audience – beyond demographic or favorite ice cream flavor (unless you’re a fintech ice cream parlor) – is what pains them.
What are their pain points? Usually, there’s more than one. And how does your product or service solve those pains? How can your company ease their neck tension and reduce those frowny lines between their eyes? Once you answer these questions, you’ll be able to write persuasive messaging that your audience will gobble up. In fact, your product or service should hit them like their favorite ice cream on a hot day.
You need to create a content awareness funnel
There is a bit of science behind your target audience’s psychology. The way people engage with a product or service occurs in three stages: awareness, evaluation, and decision/conversion. And your goal is to create the right content to speak to their pain points at each stage of the customer purchasing process.
The first stage – evaluation – requires you to make your audience aware of your company by educating them on their own pain points. What are their struggles and why do they have them? There’s a certain type of content that’s helpful for this stage. The second – evaluation – is to inform them about how your company can provide solutions to their problems. Again, a certain type of content is necessary here. And the third – conversion – is to communicate the advantages of your company’s solutions and how your product or services beats the competition.
To be persuasive and sell your product or service, you need to create the appropriate type of content for each stage of your audience’s purchasing journey. And the way you determine the correct type of content is to ask yourself if that particular type of content would help alleviate their pain points as they move from awareness to evaluation to conversion.
You need a customer-centric brand identity
If you’re struggling with low brand recognition, you may not be consistently representing your company across all channels. Remember, just because the messaging shifts focus a bit depending on the type of content and the stage of your audience’s purchasing journey, you still need to maintain a consistent tone and aesthetic in your promotional materials.
Dependable brand representation across your platforms gives your audience the feeling that you’re dependable in general. And trustworthiness breeds brand loyalty. Can your customers depend on your brand time and again to solve their pain points? If your approach to brand identity is customer-centric at each stage of the funnel (see the pretty image above), you’ll reach consumers where they are and form an allegiance between them and your brand.
You need to be a subject matter expert, not a salesperson
Not only should you be an expert on your target audience and their pain points, but you should also be a subject matter expert in your own fintech field. Trust is won and the buyer moves on to the next stage of their buying journey when they see you know what you’re talking about.
Your content marketing should do far more than just promote your own company. In fact, it should only promote your own company by showcasing it as an expert source for valuable information. It’s a sure way to turn future customers into current clients.
You need a user-friendly mobile experience
This last one is more of a practical necessity rather than a psychological imperative. The most reported issue potential customers name as the reason they do not move from the evaluation stage to the conversion stage is the lack of a convenient purchasing journey. And as people more and more are using their phones to purchase everything from takeout to tea kettles, your mobile experience better be supremely user-friendly. Ie. For sake of ease, those potential clients will find a business that does prioritize the mobile user experience.
Simply put, a user-friendly mobile experience is a crucial piece of a customer-centric business model. Also, getting back to psychology for a sec, your audience is likely to feel that you understand their needs and wants if you provide them with an easy mobile interface, making them that much more likely to be confident in your abilities to solve their pain points. The bottom line is that if your company does not have a mobile-friendly interface, you’ll likely frustrate your audience out of their purchasing journey.
PRO TIP: Especially as you start to build your content, create shorter nuggets of wisdom – like a glossary of terms – that can be easily disseminated as social posts or worked into longer pieces down the road. You’ll improve your SEO and prove you’re the subject matter expert your target audience has been searching for.
So, now that you know what you need to know about fintech content marketing in 2023, off you go. And don’t forget, if you’re struggling to think of content or you just don’t have the bandwidth or the skillset (hey, we all have our blindspots), you can always tap your friendly neighborhood fintech content marketers for a little third-party expert help.