Refine (and Supercharge) Your B2B Fintech Content Writing

Last Updated on March 22, 2024 by admin

So you want to polish up your B2B fintech content writing? We can help. The good news is, you’re already halfway there. Recognizing that B2B fintech content writing is a cornerstone of successful marketing strategies is step one. It’s the bridge that connects your innovative financial solutions to the businesses that need them most. What you need to do now is focus on standing out. Your goals should go beyond just informing your audience; you should aim to captivate, educate, and engage.

Tightening up your content writing is about more than just grammar checks and word counts. It’s about refining your message to ensure it resonates with your audience. That means delivering complex information in a digestible format and crafting content that not only attracts attention but holds it. Whether you’re explaining blockchain technology, the intricacies of payment gateways, or the latest in regulatory tech, the goal remains the same. You have to communicate clearly, effectively, and in a way that shines the spotlight on the value your fintech brings to the table.

In this guide, we’ll explore all the things that elevate your B2B fintech content writing. Striking a balance between entertainment value and educational value can be tough, but it’s workable. Let’s get into it.

Great B2B Fintech Content Writing Starts (and Ends) With Your Audience

Rule number one: know who you’re writing for. In other words, you need to burrow into the minds of prospective customers to uncover the unique challenges, concerns, and objectives that drive businesses to seek out your solutions. Here are some ways to make sure your content speaks directly to your intended audience:

Know Your Reader

The most impactful content is reader-centric. Your B2B fintech content writing should make your reader the hero of the story. Doing this requires knowledge about their daily challenges, the specific language they use, and what success looks like in their roles. If you haven’t already, fine-tune your audience personas. This insight allows you to tailor your content, making it more relevant and engaging.

Segmentation Strategies

Not all readers are the same, and treating them as such is a common area B2B fintech content writing falls short. Segment your audience based on factors like industry, company size, or solution interest. For instance, content aimed at CFOs of large corporations will differ significantly from that intended for small business owners. Segmenting allows you to personalize your messaging, increasing its effectiveness and resonance with each specific group.

Feedback Loops

Engage in continuous learning about your audience by establishing feedback loops. Use surveys, comment sections, and social media interactions to gather input on your content’s relevance and helpfulness. Monitor engagement metrics closely—what are they reading most? What topics generate the most discussion? This ongoing dialogue not only enhances your understanding but also builds a relationship with your audience, showing them that their opinions and needs are valued.

Each of these strategies contributes to developing a nuanced understanding of your B2B fintech audience. Invest time in knowing your reader. Make it a continuous process. Make sure your content is not just seen but also felt. This connection is what transforms passive readers into engaged followers and, ultimately, loyal customers.

Clarify Your Message

Enhance Your Writing with Active Verbs

Swap out linking verbs in favor of active verbs to add variety to your writing. Linking verbs – forms of “to be” – serve as connectors between the subject and a noun, adjective, or pronoun. Using verbs like are, was, am, is and other forms of linking verbs tend to tell rather than show the reader what you are trying to describe. 

Of course, linking verbs are sometimes necessary. But you can pack a bigger punch by saying “Margaret regaled us with tales from her time in college” rather than “Margaret is a good storyteller.”

Other linking verbs include words like sound, feel, smell, appear, and others. Again, focus on painting a picture for the audience rather than telling them with linking verbs. “Payment transfers from a bank account to digital wallet in real time” sounds a lot better than “funds transfer is fast.

Be Direct. Say What You Mean.

Writers sometimes hedge their writing with phrases meant to soften the sentiment. Phrases like “We think” or “I believe” take away from the power of your statement. Most writing doesn’t require this type of cushion. Instead, get straight to the point. Instead of saying “we believe that P2P payments are the future per research by X,Y,Z Firm,” say “X,Y,Z Firm reports that P2P payments are the future. 

Of course, B2B fintech content writing gets tricky in this regard. In highly regulated industries, strong statements must often be hedged with words that provide a little leeway. As in the example above, we recommend finding facts, data, and statistics to back your sentiment and leading with that. It’s more impactful to point to data backing your assertion than it is to say “we believe” or “it may be true that…”

Quit Using Passive Voice

Passive verb forms weaken sentences. While they may work well in journalism where some subjects may be unknown and can’t be fashioned into a sentence with active voice (e.g. “The bank was robbed by a masked intruder.”). If we don’t know who the subject is, we can’t write them into a sentence that uses active voice. 

Take a closer look at sentences to see where they can be reworked into active voice. See our examples below: 

Passive: Sandy’s credit score was damaged from a few late payments. 

Active: A few late payments damaged Sandy’s credit score. 

Passive: Digital wallets are widely used by millennials and Gen Z as a way to pay for common items.

Active: Younger generations like millennials and Gen use digital wallets to pay for common items. 

Passive voice isn’t always bad. Rhythm is important in writing, so adding passive voice can aid in tempo from time to time. But generally speaking, active voice rules and you should use it as often as possible.

Add Purpose

Write with purpose. In other words, have a goal in mind when writing anything. Another way to look at this is: don’t write anything that doesn’t have a goal. B2B fintech content writing should aim to serve some purpose. You might want to educate your audience or prompt people to sign up for a webinar. In any event, write toward that purpose. 

If you’re writing a blog post geared toward helping your readers understand how real time payments work, for example, consider including a glossary of terms. If you’re writing an article with a call to action to sign up for a webinar, be sure you’re teasing what will be covered in the webinar and letting people know that they can get more information by signing up. 

Don’t Let Length Trip You Up

Length is a hot topic in B2B fintech content writing. We’ve talked to clients who prefer to keep blog posts to 500 words or shorter while others won’t write anything less than 1,500 words. So who’s right?

Everyone. Going back to our previous point, purpose should drive length. Certain content pieces call for 1,500-2,500 words while others may only require a paragraph or two. The key is to understand the goal of what you’re writing and – more importantly – who your audience is and what they prefer. 

Both in-depth content and snack-size pieces are appropriate within different circumstances. You don’t want to short-change your audience by promising a primer on push-to-debit payments only to deliver a short post that only covers high-level concepts. In the same vein, you don’t want to write a laborious article for something that could be covered in an infographic with a few sentences of copy for context. 

Balance is important. You don’t want to overwhelm and push people away with ultra-long content pieces but you also don’t want to leave people disappointed by not providing enough information on an important topic. 

Editing is crucial. Be sure that there is always a second (and third, and possibly fourth) set of eyes on every piece of content. Ideally, you have processes set up for content quality assurance. Editors can evaluate for length from a topical perspective and also trim away unnecessary sentences or sections until achieving the “just right” length. 

Also consider how content will be captured from an SEO perspective. In many cases, longer is better for establishing domain authority. It also presents more opportunities for linking to other content within the website, which can also bolster SEO. Strike the right balance between SEO and purpose considerations to find the perfect length for each content piece. 

B2B Fintech Writing Tricks to Enhance Engagement

Let’s be real; B2B fintech subject matter often veers into the complex and technical. That doesn’t mean your writing has to. In fact, it can be detrimental to your engagement. Here are strategies to ensure your content not only captures attention but keeps it:

Elevate B2B Fintech Content Writing With Interactive Elements

Use interactive content to boost reader engagement. Transform traditional articles into interactive infographics, calculators for ROI, and quizzes that help businesses identify their needs. These elements encourage active participation, making the learning process more engaging and memorable. For example, a quiz that helps businesses determine their level of compliance with new financial regulations can be both informative and a subtle way to introduce your services.

Augment B2B Fintech Content Writing With Enticing Visuals

Fintech is a data-driven world, and humans are visual creatures. Lean into visuals to demystify complex concepts. Infographics are particularly effective. Use them to distill intricate data or processes into digestible, easy-to-understand images, graphs, or charts. Likewise, videos and animations can break down services or technologies in a way that text alone cannot. A well-crafted chart illustrating the cost savings of your payment solution over time, for instance, can communicate value at a glance.

Calls-to-Action (CTAs)

A compelling CTA is a critical component of engaging content. It guides readers on what to do next, whether that’s downloading a white paper, signing up for a webinar, or scheduling a demo. CTAs should be clear, concise, and relevant to the content piece. Tailoring the CTA to match the topic and audience interest increases the likelihood of conversion. For instance, a blog post on reducing transaction fees might conclude with a CTA inviting readers to explore your fee comparison tool.

Enhancing content engagement in the B2B fintech sector requires a blend of creativity and clarity. Use a creative blend of text, visuals, and other engagement tools to elevate the user experience. Tthe goal is to turn passive readers into active participants in the narrative you’re crafting, leading them down the path to deeper involvement with your brand.

Optimizing B2B Fintech Content Writing for Search and Shareability

Creating outstanding content is just the first step. Ensuring your B2B fintech content is easily discoverable and shareable can significantly amplify its reach and impact. Here’s how to make sure you content gets in front of the right people on the right channels: 

B2B Fintech Content Writing SEO Best Practices

Use SEO best practices to make your content more visible on search engine results pages. It’s the best way to connect with folks that are seeking out your knowledge and service. Start by identifying relevant keywords that your audience uses to search for your solutions and the problems they solve. Create an SEO strategy that incorporates these keywords naturally into your titles, headers, and body text. Don’t forget to optimize title tags and meta descriptions to improve click-through rates. Structure your content with tags to enhance readability and SEO.

Encouraging Sharing

Make your content easy and enticing to share. Include social sharing buttons prominently on your content pages to lower barriers to sharing. Craft content with shareable snippets, such as standout statistics, quotes, or infographics that readers are likely to share within their networks. Additionally, engage with your audience on social platforms to foster a community around your content, increasing the likelihood of it being shared organically.

Leveraging Data and Analytics

Data and analytics serve as the compass guiding your B2B fintech content strategy, allowing you to understand what works and what doesn’t. Here’s how to use data to refine your content approach:

Track the Performance of Your B2B Fintech Content Writing

Utilize analytics tools to track how your content performs across various metrics, such as page views, time spent on page, bounce rate, and conversion rates. This data provides insights into which topics resonate with your audience and which formats are most engaging. 

Make Data-Driven Adjustments

Beyond tracking performance, data allows you to make informed adjustments to your content strategy. Analyze patterns in engagement to identify the best times to publish and promote content. Use A/B testing to refine headlines, CTAs, and content formats based on empirical evidence of what maximizes reader engagement and conversion.

Analyze the pathways through which audiences discover your content. If certain referral sources or keywords consistently bring in high-quality traffic, you can tailor your content and SEO efforts to capitalize on these channels.

Be diligent in optimizing your B2B fintech content writing for search and shareability. Use data and analytics for continuous improvement wherever possible. These are tried and true ways to make sure your content drives meaningful engagement and business results.


B2B fintech content writing isn’t always easy, but following some simple guidelines and best practices can make it a whole lot more effective. Whether you have an entire marketing department to leverage or you’re a one-person marketing show, these tips can help you streamline and improve your writing for your audience.

Extra Tools to Perfect B2B Fintech Content Writing

Looking for more in-depth B2B fintech content writing tools and playbooks? Check out one of our helpful guides: 

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